The NHS stop smoking advert is quite hard hitting. There are mixed views on the advert, some arguing that the child like song attracts children to watch the advert and copy the child smoking with the crayon. Some thinking that children with parents who smoke won't copy the habit as they can see first hand the implications and the others who totally agree that parents lead by example and their child will be more likely to pick up the habit. I can see the thinking behind all points. My parents don't smoke and neither do i but then again i know friends who smoke whose parents don't - It goes around in circles! In the advert the parents are all smoking apparently out of sight to the children with the camera angle seeming to look from around a corner or through a window so these parents are considerate of their children's current health as are smoking away from the children but i think that the point of the advert is that not all smoking signs will be concealed. There will be the smell, cigarette buts and the visual of them actually doing it may impose the idea that if their parents like it so much then i want to try too. There are lots of other reasons that young people may take up the habit like peer pressure, but targeting this advert at the family early on may perhaps stop the need/want early on!
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