Monday 29 September 2008

YSP. Moore special.

Yorkshire sculpture park.
I first visited the YSP a couple of years ago on a school trip. It is an inspirational place where i have recently returned to. The Sculpture park has an impressive Henry Moore collection on loan from the Henry Moore Foundation, The Tate Gallery  and Tower Hamlets. The collection represents a lifetime of iconic sculptures by the artist but this collection i think is a bit more special than others. Why? Because the collection is beautifully set outdoors in the Yorkshire sculpture park. Moore's early inspiration for his work was said to be the West Yorkshire landscape so where better for the pieces to be exhibited! As well as looking at the sculptures it's hard not to take inspiration and interest in the grounds especially if you spend the whole day there and can see the changes that natural light can make to the artworks and environment. 
If you do choose to visit the park there are a number of attractions to visit with some of Andy Goldsworthy's latest nature sculptures and Eduardo Paolozzi sculptures that i think work differently to others with the landscape. Perhaps in a contrast.

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